Parking places


Messezentrum Bad Salzuflen has got many parking places directly near the exhibition halls.

This parking areas are available to all M.O.W. participants at no cost.

A routing system shows you the way to the single halls and parking places. In addition, the service staff will welcome you directly at the entrance to the site and they will be pleased to guide you personally

Please follow the staff's instructions.

Use Central parking place P2/ exhibition hall 12 (Zentralparkplatz P2/ Messehalle 12)
Heerserheider Str. 2
32107 Bad Salzuflen

From here you can easily reach the entrances of
Hallen 1 - 6
Hallen 10 - 12 und
Hallen 19 – 23.

or alternatively
Heerserheider Str./Kreuzung Louis-Ueckermann-Weg
32107 Bad Salzuflen